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Language Services

Language: how your child understands and creates messages

Father and Son

/ Language

How you understand and express messages

Language is the how a person is able to understand and express messages when communicating. From using their first words around 1 year of age to complex story-telling in their school years, language is critical to our connection to others and academic success.

Common Reasons to Refer:

Children 1 - 4 years of age:

  • No first word (signed or spoken) by 16 months

  • Not yet using ~30 words by 18 months

  • Little or no use of early grammar (e.g., adding "ing" like in running, adding "s" like in apples)

  • Difficulty following 1-step directions at 1 year, 2-step directions at 2 years or 3-step directions at 3 years

  • Difficulty answering choice and yes-no questions between 1-2 years of age

  • Difficulty answering "wh" questions between 3-4 years of age

Children 5+ years of age:

  • Difficulty understanding new vocabulary or using more complex vocabulary

  • Difficulty with more complex grammar (e.g., saying "goed" instead of went)

  • Difficulty following more complicated directions

  • Difficulty understanding and talking about books, TV shows or movies

  • Difficulty telling a story from their real life

Learn more about language on the blog

With 25-33% kids not reading and writing on grade level in Ontario, here are options if your child is having literacy challenges.

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